James Harvey Campbell worked as a printer at Henry Keeling Ellyson's Book and Job Printing Office
James Harvey Campbell worked as a printer at Henry Keeling Ellyson's Book and Job Printing Office
James Harvey Campbell marries Mary Frances Bowis on October 8, 1857
March 14, 1862 James Harvey Campbell enlisted into the Crenshaw Light Artillery in Richmond, Virginia, a unit raised by four prominent Richmond citizens, William Graves Crenshaw, James Ellett, Charles Hobson, Andrew B. Johnston
James Harvey Campbell was captured by Union forces at the battle of Five Forks, Virginia on April 1, 1865
He was imprisoned at Point Lookout, Maryland on April 5, 1865
After signing his oath of allegiance he was released from Point Lookout, Maryland on June 24, 1865
James Harvey Campbell dies at 10:30 p.m. on Monday May 5, 1879 of scrofulous disease of the bladder
His funeral service held at Leigh Street Baptist Church on May 7, 1879, and he is laid to rest at Oakwood Cemetery in Richmond, Virginia