From 1850–1859 James Harvey Campbell worked as a printer in Henry Keeling Ellyson’s Book and Job Printing Office, located at 176 Main Street in Richmond, Virginia. In this letter Mary Frances Campbell is away from home, most likely visiting relatives.
Ellyson’s Office – Monday evening – 1/2 past 6
My Dear Wife
As I expect you would like to hear from home, and maybe you will be disappointed if you do not, I sit down to write a few hurried lines, though I have very little time to do it in. I have been by the stage office several times to see Mr. Rees, to hear whether you all got down safe or not, but have not been able to see him at all. I hope you and Florence are better than where you started, but I shall feel very anxious until I hear from you by letter which I hope will not be later than tomorrow night. We are all getting along tolerably well at home. Except that I miss you and our dear little treasure very much. I miss her (and your) sweet kiss when I go home at night, and when I leave, but I hope to be with you soon. I hope you found Sister Mat and all the rest well. Give my best love to all, and tell Bob to have that puppy ready for me by the time I come down. I received a ticket today for us to the marriage of Isaac Crutchfield and Miss Lucy Carter10 which takes place at Sycamore Church on Wednesday morning at half past 5 o’clock. They will immediately take the cars for New York. I would send you a ticket, but I suppose it would not afford you much pleasure to see it, as you cannot be there. I think I shall go up if I can get up on time. I think I shall not be able to come down Friday as I will not be able to get through with the work that I anticipated doing before I leave. Our hen and chickens left home the day after you left and staid a day and night, and we thought they had gone permanently, but they came back the next day. I think they might as well have staid away, as the rats take about one every morning for breakfast.
I must now close and go home, and I do not like to keep your ma waiting supper for me. Kiss Florence about a hundred times for me, but do not kiss her all away before I see her again. I dined at John Tyree’s yesterday. They are all quite well up there. Alice is getting on quite well and so are Jim and Henry. They are both at home and very well satisfied
No more at present from
Yours most devoted husband
J. Harvey Campbell