Harriet Newell Campbell1, James Harvey Campbell’s sister, writes to her brother James to inform him of their mother’s death. Priscilla Courtney Campbell was the daughter of Robert Courtney and Priscilla Campbell. At the age of twenty-one, she married her first cousin William Campbell, and died on July 17, 1843.
July 17, 1843
Oh my brother! Our dear mother is no more_ _ _ No, her happy spirit has taken its flight to a happier world than this and she is now reposing sweetly in the bosom of her redeemer her dear redeemer. She died this morning a little before day and O if you could have been here to witness her pain and misery, you would feel now somewhat relieved as her being released from her torment of clay. Her sufferings were some times almost insufferable, but she bore them all with christian patience and now she has come off conqueror and more than conqueror through him that has loved her and has given himself for her. Oh my brother, our loss is great and can never be repaired, but her gain is still greater. Let us pray for grace to sustain us under this heavy affliction and pray that it may be sanctified to our good-She seemed to be perfectly sensible that one should die and spoke of death as a happy blessing to her. She would exclaim Lord take me Lord take me! Lord Jesus receive my spirit. She would have talked a great deal more but her afflictions were such as not to permit her. She bade us all farewell and said we should meet in a better and happier world where parting shall be no more. Oh my dear brother, this is the greatest affliction that we have ever yet had to bear. I know you will be very much shocked. We would have sent for you when we saw her end was approaching, but we knew that she would die before you could get here. Her funeral will be preached tomorrow morning. You must come over as soon as you can. Farewell my dear brother.
Your affectionate sister,
PS Father sends his love and says you must write to him. Mama expressed a great wish to see you before she died. She mentioned you frequently and seemed to desire above all things that all her children should be with her. Sister sends her best love to her bereaved brother. Answer this on reception and let us know when you can conveniently come over. Give my love to the family at Mr. Valentines! You can carry this up and show it them if you like. H N C