William Campbell, James Harvey Campbell’s father, writes to him in Richmond after the death of his mother. William Campbell married Priscilla (Courtney) Campbell on September 18, 1818. Known as a devoutly religious man, he warns son James to remain aware of the vices of Richmond, and to always remember his mother.
1843 July 27th
My dear child,
I received your letter last night. I should be glad to see you, no doubt it would afford you great satisfaction to come over at this time, but I expect you would feel worse when you returned, therefore I think you will do well to remain satisfied without coming over. your poor mother is dead and you can render her no service, she suffered a great dial during her illness, but she bore it with christian firmness; as to herself she was perfectly indifferent about living. I believe she was anxious to live on her childrens account; all that we have to do is to prepare to meet her in another state of existence, where sin, sorrow, pain, and death can never enter. for some weeks before her death she was uncomamonly serious, and appeared to have lost all taste for society but was attentive to all the duties of the family. on tuestay Tuesday she went up stairs and laid down; on wednessday I sent for Dr Duval she took a great deal of medicine but none of it seemed to have any effect. Dr Lewis was to see her, & Dr Todd & Dr Duval2 were with her when she died. my dear child you are very much exposed to vice, and you are young, & I don’t know that you have any friend in Richmond to warn you, but you must remember you have made an open profession of the Christian religion, be attentive to your business dont let a day pass without reading a portion of the bible, & let it be the man of your connsel, & whenever you feel disposed to be giddy and thoughtty think of your mother, and prepare to meet her in heaven. your affectionate father
Wm Campbell